Developing a growth mindset can be a big challenge for the age of kiddos I teach. I teach first graders. You might be able to train them to say the word yet, but do they really understand what the word means? At my previous school we stressed a growth mindset in our own learning and training AND in our classrooms. It was aligned across the campus and not just in our individual classes so it was easier to instill that mindset as they travelled from grade level to grade level.
Schools should focus on growth mindset by making it a campus wide focus. The teachers need PD on ways to implement and use it daily. It should be a school-wide goal. It can be something that is talked about on our morning announcements along with our monthly character trait. We can stress to our students how powerful the word yet can be when they are taking STAAR tests. The possibilities of incorporating the power of yet into our daily life are endless.