As I reflect on my journey... I can't help but be sad and excited at the same time. This is my final compilation post that sums up my entire learning process in the ADL master's program at Lamar University. As you read this page, take notice of the underlined and off color words. They are linked to the various pages that are mentioned within this eportfolio. You can go to each page by clicking on the word or words.
A Little About Me:
I became an educator a little late in life. I didn't finish my first degree until I turned 40 years old. I had been in the service industry for my entire life, then I became pregnant with my only child. The birth of my daughter made me question myself and the life I was going to have for my daughter. I wanted so much more for the both of us, so I went back to school. It was exhilarating and fulfilling. I became a teacher, but I missed learning. I decided to go back for a master's degree. I wanted to teach gifted students. Then the pandemic came and turned everyone's world upside down. Technology and online learning became the new normal, but I was a little lost. It soon became a part of my persona and when my principal told us to go back to the old ways, I was not ready to take a step back.
I wanted ANOTHER degree! I looked for potential degrees, and I found this one... Applied Digital Learning at Lamar.
Was teaching my dream, my passion? Actually, no it was not. I was not that little girl that played teacher with my dolls. I really had never thought of being a teacher, but it being a teacher eventually became a part of me. In this journey, I was required to create my very own learning manifesto. To read it, click here. .
I am now an innovator, and a teacher leader. Here is the About Me section on my eportfolio.
My main interest:
This is definitely not an easy thing to decide. This program has taught me so much. It has created a new learner that I did not know existed. I have found myself wondering what my real, true, main interest is now that I am about to complete my journey. Of course, I want to attempt to implement my innovation plan at my campus, but I want so much more now. I want to take digital learning campus wide... then district wide... maybe even region wide. What is stopping me from becoming a digital innovator for my region? There are so many amazing ideas and fabulous learning and teaching opportunities in the digital education world.
My course work:
Each and every course in this program challenged and excited me. They ALL offered some challenging coursework that made me think outside my comfort zone, but I overcame all of the obstacles and I succeeded in each and every assignment while presenting them on my very own eportfolio website.
EDLD 5305: Applying Educational Technology- For this course, I created my Innovation Plan.
EDLD 5303:Disruptive Innovation in Technology- For this course, the big assignment was to create my eportfolio that you are looking at right now.
EDLD 5304: Concepts of Educational Technology- For this course, I created My Why. Influencer, 4Dx, and Crucial Conversations. This page is a cohesive collection of all the assignments in the course.
EDLD 5302:Leading Organizational Change- For this course, I explored growth mindset, my learning manifesto, and my learning networks.
EDLD 5389:DevelopingEffective Professional Learning- For this course, I created my professional development plan that included and outline, a 3 Column Table, and my UbD template, as well as a video that introduces my vision of blended learning for the teachers at my school.
EDLD 5313:Create Significant Learning Environment (CSLE)- For this course, I dug deeper into CSLE and growth mindset and created this compilation page.
EDLD 5317:Resources Digital Environments- For this course, I researched publishing and created this page with a publication outline, a media pitch, and a final draft ready for publication.
EDLD 5315:Assess Digital Learning- For this course, I realized the importance of action research and created an action research plan along with a literature review for my blended learning innovation plan.
EDLD 5318:Instructional Design Online Learning- For this course, I went to Canvas and created a complilation page with an ecourse I created to have the teachers use to help them implement blended learning in their own classrooms. I also created a video explaining the ecourse as well as a syllabus.
EDLD 5320:Synthesis Digital Learner- This is THIS course and it covers all of the previous courses and brings links to all of my assignments to one cohesive location. All of the assignments are linked above with the compilation pages for each one.
My Learning Community
Through this journey, I have had the most amazing and supportive group that I now call my friends... Here is the small group within my larger group....
Here are their eportfolio links...
My Contact Information:
Chastity Crissman, M. Ed.
My social Media Links: Twitter @ccrissman77
A List of Resources that were used for my literature review:
Anthony, E. (2019). (Blended) learning: How traditional best teaching practices impact blended elementary classrooms. Journal of Online Learning Research, 5(1), 25-48.
Azukas, M. E. (2019). Cultivating a blended community of practice to promote personalized learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 5(3), 275-310. ERIC. EJ1241727
Castelo, M. (2020, July 28). What is blending learning & how can it help schools reopen safely? EdTech Magazine. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
Chiu, T. (2021). Digital support for student engagement in blended learning based on self-determination theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 124.
Dziuban, C., Graham, C. R., & Moskal, P. D. (2018, February). Blended learning: The new normal and emerging technologies. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(3).
Giarla, A. (2021). The benefits of blended learning. TeachThought. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
Horn, M., & Staker, H. (2012, May). Classifying K-12 blended learning. Innosight Institute.
Horn, M., & Staker, H. B. (2017). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. Wiley.
Lynch, M. (2021, May 28). 4 Models of blended learning to implement in the classroom. The Tech Edvocate. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
Macaruso, P., Wilkes, S., & Prescott, J. E. (2020, June). An investigation of blended learning to support reading instruction in elementary schools. Educational tech research dev, 68, 2839-2852.
McCarthy, J. (2018, September 24). Tech Integration in blended learning. Edutopia. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
Miskiah, Suryono, Y., & Sudrajat, A. (2020). The effects of blended learning on elementary school students' creativity and activeness. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 3958-3964.
Shamsuddin, N. (2020, March). Students' learning style and it's effect on blended learning, does it matter? International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(1), 195-202.
Stefan, H. (2019). What do we mean by blended learning? Tech Trends, 63, 564-569.
Understanding the different blended learning models. (2016, August 2). Raise Your Hand Texas.
Verner, S. (n.d.). Making the shift: Moving from a teacher centered classroom to a student centered classroom. Busy Teacher. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from
Wilkes, S., Kazakoff, E., Prescott, J. E., Bundschuh, K., Hook, P., Wolf, R., Hurwitz, L., & Macaruso, P. (2020). Measuring the impact of a blended learning model on early literacy growth. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36, 595-609.
Wycoff, T., Green, J. T., & Tucker, C. R. (2016). Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change. SAGE Publications.