I can’t believe how far I have come with my self-reflections. I struggled so much with them when I started this program. I have learned how to look inside myself and be less hard and more objective. I am proud of the work that I have been putting in and the amount of time I have been working on my assignments. This semester has been a bit tougher to spend time working on my assignments, but I got it done. There were many obstacles in my way… but I adjusted and overcame them! I feel more confident in being a self-directed learner in this program. I am beginning to be able to recognize where I am strong as a learner as well as where I need to improve. After careful consideration, I believe that I deserve a 95 out of 100 for the EDLD 5320 course as well as a 95 out of 100 for the EDLD 5318 course.
Here is how I justify my decision:.
My key contributions:
How I can improve (I always start here)...The one thing that still need to work on is procrastination. I am notorious for waiting until the very last minute to do things in everything I do. I wait to get my lesson plans done and to complete PD for work. My grad degree work is no different, although I have DEFINITELY improved a lot. I may have posted my discussions a bit later than I had planned, but it is because they were mostly links to the pages from my eportfolio that I was still working on.
Things I feel confident I did well (although I can ALWAYS improve)... II watched every recorded class meeting for both classes (sometimes more than once for a better understanding). I was unable to watch the live sessions so I made sure to watch them. I collaborated with my cohort daily. I spent many hours working on each assignment prior to uploading it to my eportfolio. Most of my videos that I created needed to be redone over and over because when I recorder them I realized that I wanted to change parts of them. Most of them ended up completely different than when they started! I always respond to my peers in a positive, and respectful way. I discussed and shared resources and information daily with them. I also used the corrective feedback given from Dr. Sue for 5320, and I went back to correct the design flaws on my pages! OH... And I FINALLY figured out how to make my assignment submission clickable instead of making the professors copy and past into the browser.
Other key contributions...
I continued to collaborate with 2 different groups on a daily basis. I was part of a larger group of students through Groupme, some of whom I feel that I became close with. Our group has grown to a group of 25 different members that collaborate daily. There are a handful of us (me, Karin, Jas, Andrea, Andrei, Kelven, Ileana, Kim, Pedro, Rachel, and Stephen) that collaborated on a regular basis (even on the weekends). We provided feedback to each other, and supported each other.
My smaller, more specific, collaboration group was based on our innovation ideas. Kelven Wilson (https://kelvenwilson.wordpress.com/2021/12/10/contribution-to-learning-and-reflection/)and Andrei Dobrodumov (https://dobrodumov.wixsite.com/website). This semester we added two more colleagues to our collaboration group: Andrea Harrell https://merceharrell.com/ and Danielle Lopez https://daniellelopez058.wixsite.com/my-site/. The five of us shared some resources, collaborated about blended learning in our classrooms, and were there to help when the others needed us.
I have read all of the required readings, watched all of the videos, and met all of the deadlines (all but the one that I was unable to submit due to computer issues).
Supporting Contributions...
I participated in all discussion posts and collaboration discussions outside of class.
I posted some of my discussion posts early in the class. I responded to my smaller peer group’s discussion posts as well as talked about some of the things outside of class through our text group.
I feel comfortable with my use of APA in my posts and assignments.
I joined or watched all of the meetings with the professors.
These classes have forced me to become a better thinker, learner, and teacher! I am so glad I chose this degree! One more semester to go!!!
Accelerated ADL Reflection: I am glad that we have the option to combine our reflections into one cohesive one. It would be more difficult to do separate ones because all of the work from these two classes are extensions of each other. For 5318, we were required to create an actual ecourse that we are planning to use (or have used) for implementation of our innovation project. For 5320, we needed to REFLECT on everything we have done throughout the entire program. In other words, we had to reflect on the assignments and activities that we did in 6318, so why not talk about the contributions at the same time? Also, we have our same collaboration groups through each and every course, so the reflections on our collaborations with those people will be the same for each course.