I have been on Twitter for almost 9 years now and it all started when I worked at my first school. My principal gave us the option to join Twitter as a learning and teaching community in exchange for PD hours. Of course I jumped on it! I have learned so much from the many learning communities that I have been following and been a part of. Sometimes on Twitter I scroll and read articles and tweets that are posted from the learning networks. I have also used many of the learning networks I am a member of to help me in my own teaching and learning. I have gotten away from using them a lot, however, I will be searching through them during spring break to see how they can help me in my newest master's degree learning journey.
Here are some of the Twitter handles I follow and often re-tweet or comment on: @teacherontheedge1, @growthmindset1, @TeachThought, @TeachingChannel (I also am a member of this webpage), @pbsteachers, @NAEYC, @EriksonInst, @AppleEDU, @Education_com
@teacher2teacher, @edutopia
The PLN's that I am a member of and use are:
Here is a new-to-me website that I am VERY EXCITED about! It is a tech based site that can help me (and anyone that wants to bring technology into their classroom) in a number of different ways. There is a lot of information on blended learning, which is my innovation idea.
There is another site that is linked to ISTE that is https://www.edsurge.com/. It is a database that houses many different academic journals that are education based.